Site Equip Trademark has been successfully registered, meaning we have intellectual property rights to the name and logo.
TM UK00003052541 ™ ®
What’s so important about the Site Equip Trademark?
Cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore I am…..isn’t that enough for a company to exist in the market place. The very fact that your name may be ‘out there’ is not necessarily enough. So why have we registered after 25+ years ? When we first commissioned our logo we had several meetings with a graphic designer we see what we could come up with. The final font design is based on tubular pipework and the full stop is a based on a ball cock all within the toilet theme. This design has also stood the test of time.
At Site Equip ™ (Trademark), we are proud of everything that name stands for. Exceptional customer service from great staff that go the extra mile. Innovative and creativity with our products and logistical solutions second to none. Do you remember doing your kids homework, I mean helping them. On our first computer it was helpful having Encarta ™, resulting in all the children lucky enough to have a computer in the house, having identical research. Now with Wikimedia ™ and in particular Wikipedia one of their sub brands, it is easier to explore and reference almost any subject. Add Google ™ and your list is endless. With the latter, we automatically trust, that what we read is 100% truth. That is the power of their brand or trademark.
Back to Wikipedia ™ which states that The Roman Empire was the forerunner of trademarks with the sword mark of blacksmiths. The first British™ was apparently Bass with its red triangle in 1875, I guess that Bass (now sadly gone from our HQ town of Alton) wanted to assure drinkers that they were buying a trusted pint, the symbol for which they instantly recognised.
To conclude, our customers will see and recognise our brand and the Site Equip™ trademark as a type of Kite Mark ™, something they see and trust, and offering them quality. What does our ‘Intellectual Property include? Classes 11, 12, 19, 35, 37, 39, 43 & 44.
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