Site Equip has appointed a new Depot Manager for its Lasham depot, Natalie Ware, previously Planning Operations Manager.
Natalie has been with Site Equip for over 2 years and has continuously shown incredible commitment and devotion to the company. Throughout her time here, Natalie has had two promotions and won 4 Site Equip awards, most recently, the Players Player Award. For this award, Natalie was nominated by 80% of our employees, which highlights how generous and deserving she is of this role.
As the Depot Manager, she plays an integral role in overseeing and leading sustainable growth for the company by supporting and developing the team and business.
Natalie Ware comments ‘Inclusion is so important to me, to feel part of something and for everyone to feel equally valued is everything! Site Equip have supported and embraced my values and opinions, right or wrong from day one. I respect every colleague for their abilities and feel mutual respect back from every department and individual. Overall, my strengths and weaknesses were tested to the max to progress. I feel so honoured to have been promoted to Depot Manager in such a short space of time.’
Amy Gilbert, director, said ‘Natalie has been invaluable in the growth of Site Equip, providing support, improvements and developments, to not only the management team but to all employees, customers and suppliers. She thoroughly deserves the promotion to Depot Manager to oversee all company operations at our Head Office. We look forward to seeing Natalie flourish in her new role.’
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